I was an OG SEGA kid. I was always into the weirdos and underdogs in everything. Nintendo clearly ruled the schoolyard and was fine? I guess? I had fun with it at friends' houses, but SEGA was tuned to the pitch of my heart, man. And Phantasy Star was the game that first broke my head open and showed me what games could do in terms of world-building and storytelling.
This was a commission that really grew into something. I released a limited run of posters back in 2017 to commemorate the 30th *gasp* *wheeze* anniversary of this masterpiece of a game's release. I'd been in the throes of some mid-career burnout around then, but creating this piece made me feel like a teen again, drawing for the sheer joy of it. It's a feeling that's become familiar since, but at the time, it had been absent for way too long. This commission, from my good friend the SEGADUDE, was just the medicine I didn't know I needed.